Providing Counseling Services & Behavioral Interventions to Families and Individuals 

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Primary Trainer

Stephen Greenstein, PhD, has over 40 years experience providing and teaching Structural Family Therapy, and is a national leader in training and supervision.

Training, Supervision, and Workshops

New Beginnings is devoted to the highest level of training and supervision for all clinicians.

Staff Training

  • Participate in bi-weekly or monthly, 2-hour group supervision using videotaped client sessions, live supervision, and team coordination with the primary trainer.
  • Participate in regular, 1-hour individual supervision using videotaped client sessions, live supervision, and team coordination with an experienced, licensed supervisor.
  • Training will include didactic presentations based on video tape segments of both beginning staff and seasoned therapists. A special emphasis will be placed upon study structural family therapy and the works of Salvador Minuchin.
  • Training and supervision for behavioral interventions when working with families and individuals with autism/related issues.
  • Supervision hours towards receiving licensure is available.



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New Beginnings Family Counseling Services
911 E. Jefferson St, Charlottesville, VA 22902
Phone: 434-984-0023 - Fax 434-984-4852